Curriculum Vitae


# Pastor, Preacher, Speaker, Author, Trainer | Hans Borghuis (since 2015) *
# Coordinator Europe & Envision |Christian And Missionary Alliance (since 2021) *
# Preacher, Speaker, Connector, Coach | Christian And Missionary Alliance (since 2021) *
# Relation manager, Speaker and Field worker | Bright Fame Amsterdam & De Haven The Hague (2019 - 2021)
# Teacher, Preacher, Developer, Trainer | Bible College De Wittenberg (2015 - 2019)
# Head of Communications, Relations and Fundraising | Bible College De Wittenberg (2015 - 2019)
# Project manager and trainer | IZB & Alpha Course Netherlands (2008 - 2015)
# General Manager | IZB (2005 - 2015)
# General assistant | IZB (1999- 2005)

Side activities
# Team Leader | Alpha (and follow-up) Deventer * 
# Board chairman | New Life New Beginning Foundation *
# Advisor to the board | Shelter for women who are victims of sexual abuse *
# Volunteer Psychogeriatric Department | ZorgAccent (2017 - 2020)
# Client representative | ZorgAccent (2017 - 2020)
# Volunteer Consultation | Meester Geertshuis (2017 - 2019)
# Regional Coordinator | Alpha Course (2005 - 2015)
# Elder, Coordinator Alpha and follow-up courses | PKN Rijssen (2001 - 2012)
# Leader summer camps for youth | HGJB (1997 - 2000)
# Youth worker | PKN Rijssen (1995 - 2001)

Relevant experience
Leadership (leading teams and individuals), coaching, teaching and training, preaching, conflict mediation and guiding change processes, pastoral care, management, guiding young people, writing, communication, starting and guiding projects. 

Currently in this role


# Biblical Leadership, Leading the Church, Governance | Alliance Center for Leadership
# School of Ministry, Effective Preaching | Alliance Center for Leadership 

# Theology, Homiletics, Evangelistics, Pastoral care | Evangelical College Netherlands 
# Leadership, Community building, Conflict management | Evangelical College Netherlands 
# Leadership, Training for Church Leaders, Preachers training | LEAD C&M Alliance
# Theology of Discipleship, Old Testament Hermeneutics | Hillsong College 
# Professional Coaching | CIVAS Netherlands 
# Understanding & Responding to Trafficking in Persons | International Red Cross
# Business and Management | Van Rhijn College Netherlands

Various trainings and courses
* Theology, Preaching, Speaking & Training, Education, Pastoral Care, Social work, Youth- and Missionary work 
* Intercultural Expertise, People in change, Mediation, Coaching 
* Recognition of Human Trafficking, Criminal and Sexual Exploitation 
* Management, Leadership, Communication, Storytelling 


Name: Hans Borghuis
Place of residence: Deventer, Netherlands
Telephone: +31612907320
Year of birth: 1976
Nationality: Dutch

Dutch * * * * * (10) 
English * * * * (8)
German * * * (7)
Italian * (3)