What compels us is the love of Christ...

(2 Corinthians 5)

Since 2015, we have been working intensively with local churches in Italy. We are here regularly to support the development of the churches, to preach, to train. We have great admiration for the enthusiasm, dedication, love for God and love for people of the Italian Christians. The churches here are a beacon of light and hope; through the Sunday meetings and weekday meetings for young and old, but certainly also by offering a home to people in need.

We work in Italy and in countries including Spain, France, Czech Republic and Germany. We work closely with local churches, with our international colleagues, Christian organisations and missionary and social projects. Including in the areas of refugee work, help for the homeless and shelter for women who are victims of sexual abuse and human trafficking. We are involved in church planting projects and in everything we do we try to connect with what God is doing in these countries.

We also facilitate and guide short-term missions for young people, also for long-term missions and we regularly guide mission trips with groups from our youth program ENVISION (discovering, training and educating a new generation of Christian leaders). We always look for opportunities to work together and contribute to churches, organisations, missionary and social projects.


Many people do not immediately think of Italy - or Europe in general - when it comes to missions. The reality is that only a very small part of Italians (and other Europeans) are Protestant/Evangelical Christians. According to the figures, in the northern regions of Italy this is only 0.1 to 0.4% of the population. Although a large part of Italians are Catholic by birth, only a very small part still attends a church. A large part of Italians has never heard the name of Jesus and the younger generations are often attracted to secularism, atheism and agnosticism. The disillusionment with cultural Catholicism is great. The people of Italy urgently need the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Also in Italy there are many people who have fled their home country, often these are people without a Christian background. This also offers opportunities to help people. In this way we reach new people with the good news of Jesus.

Europe Mission

We also regularly travel for CAMA to other places in Europe, such as, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic and Spain. Particularly to those countries where the percentage of Christians is very low, less than 3% of Europeans still have a living faith in Jesus. We support projects and help start new projects. We build our network and are always looking for new opportunities and the right people for the right place. In this way we work on church planting projects and projects for the homeless, we work together with initiatives for the shelter of women (and their children) who are victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse, we are involved in projects for refugees etc.

In these countries too, it is so desperately needed that there are people who are prepared to make Jesus visible. We supervise and support people - including many young people - who start working in one of these places for a short-term or long-term.

In this way we reach new people every day with the good news of Jesus.
That's what we stand for, that's what we do it for.

Hans Borghuis

Making Jesus visible in Italy and Europe

We are usually in Italy or one of the other countries for five periods of a few weeks each year. This way we can have the most impact at this time. We also facilitate mission trips for Dutch youth groups, short-term missions for (especially young people) to various projects, churches and organizations in the countries mentioned.

Our mission is to reach new people every day with the good news of Jesus. In words and with deeds. To this end, we want to equip, encourage and support Christians to live out their Christian lives. We strongly believe in the power of the local community and local Christians - who know their own language, culture and people best, but we also see the power and encouragement that comes from people who come alongside 'from outside'.

We do our work on behalf of CAMA Zending (affiliated with the worldwide Christian And Missionary Alliance), a registered Public Benefit Organization (ANBI). 

In the name of Stichting CAMA Zending in Driebergen and with the attention of Hans & Leida Borghuis.

Want to contribute in another way? Please contact us.

Thank you so much! Together we reach new people every day with the good news of Jesus!

Help us reach new people every day with the good news of Jesus

This mission costs us the necessary investment in time and finances, which we are happy to do. The mission also brings financial challenges; through travel and accommodation costs, costs for activities, etc. We also contribute to this privately and pay for it partly 'out of our own pocket'. But we cannot carry this alone.

That is why we depend on partners. People who stand by us in prayer and with finances. People who want to be involved in this work and find it important that new people are reached with the good news of Jesus. The most helpful thing here is structural support, which we can also build on in the future, but one-off donations are of course also very helpful and welcome.

We use donations exclusively to cover expenses that directly benefit the mission.

Financial partnership runs entirely through CAMA Zending.
You can make a donation directly here via the CAMA Zending website.

If you prefer to make a donation yourself, you can do so at IBAN NL76 ABNA 0484 6740 48